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Sound Pathways Holiday Giving 2022

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The Season of Giving

The holiday season can be filled with incredible joy and with deep heartache. For some people, the holidays can be a harsh reminder of what they don’t have – connection with family, the means to buy gifts, or perhaps a stable home.

At Sound Pathways we believe that no one should be left out in this season of compassion and kindness. We created the Holiday Giving Campaign to remind our clients and their families that during this season of light, their light is seen, respected, and celebrated.

Gifts are often central to holiday celebrations. Through the holiday giving program, you can provide gifts that will bring hope and joy to our clients and their families in a difficult season.

How You Can Bring Some Holiday Happiness to Families in Need:

Give in-kind unwrapped gifts

Give gift cards to stores, restaurants and movie theaters

Give wrapping paper, gift bags and ribbon

Donate money through our PayPal giving fund

It’s Easy:

Check out our Amazon Wish List and shop online for gifts and gift cards.

Rather shop in person? Download our printable gift list here.

Donate money directly through PayPal and we will buy the gifts!

To drop off gifts or donations, go to:

Sound Pathways
c/o Holiday Giving
1721 Hewitt Ave Ste 200
Everett, WA 98201

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9am – 4pm

holiday hive hex

Corporate Sponsorships

Sound Pathways has a long tradition of collaborating with the businesses in our community every holiday season. This year, we are offering three sponsorship opportunities.

Giving Tree – Host a holiday giving tree in your office. We will provide the giving tags.

Toy Drive – Hold a company-wide toy drive. We will provide the box and pick up the toys.

Funding Sponsorship – Provide sponsorship dollars to purchase gifts for the families we serve.

Every Sponsor will receive Sound Pathways recognition for their generous participation. To learn more about partnering with Sound Pathways or review the details here in the Corporate Sponsor Brochure for 2022 Holiday Giving Campaign please email

Learn about additional ways to give throughout the year, at our Ways to Give page.