Drug and alcohol addiction is relentless. So are we. For more than 50 years, Sound Pathways has worked diligently to keep families together.
We have been at the forefront of supporting at-risk individuals facing alcohol and substance use disorders in Snohomish County. While we focus primarily on supporting pregnant and parenting women, we have expanded our services to assist men with similar alcohol and substance use disorders throughout the county.

Working to provide wrap-around social services in this close-knit community has taught us many things.

What We Have Learned.
We know that between 5,000 – 10,000 Snohomish County residents suffer from opioid use disorder. While it is estimated that between 35,000 – 80,000 county residents misuse opioids.
We understand that substance use disorders take many forms. We know addiction affects every gender, identity, race, color, religion, and age. A person’s marital status, income, sexual orientation, zip code, or profession are not solely an indication of their likelihood to abuse alcohol or drugs. There simply is no typical substance use disorder story.
We also know that alcoholism and addiction radically harm families. These diseases can tear them apart emotionally and literally. The long-term effects of drug and alcohol addiction often keep families from ever fully healing.
We work tirelessly to combat these diseases in order to help people regain their health and their self-reliance, to keep families safe and together, and to create a stronger community for all.

Why Our Work Matters.
In 2019, nearly 50,000 people in the United States died from opioid-involved overdoses.
Approximately 700 individuals die each year from an opioid overdose in our state with 180 (25%) of those deaths occurring in Snohomish County.
Opioid overdose deaths are now the leading cause of accidental deaths in almost every part of Washington State.
1,400 emergency room visits are caused by substance misuse each year in Snohomish County.
Drug use isn’t always illegal. Nine million Americans misuse prescriptions drugs every year, 42,600 of those people live in Snohomish County.
At any time, Snohomish County has on average 105 homeless families with children and only 70 bed spaces allocated for households with children.
Our Wrap Around Social Services
We serve and support more than 5,000 people each year. As a result, hundreds of families have been reunited or have been spared the trauma of separation.
Sound Pathways Programs & Services
Over several decades, our core programs have been refined to effectively support people struggling with the generational cycles of trauma, addiction, and abuse. Our focus is to help people find safe pathways to recovery so that they can become healthy and self-reliant.

Sound Pathways serves people seeking recovery from substance use disorders who are low-income, need mental health support, are currently homeless, or are part of other underserved populations in Snohomish County. All services are free to eligible clients.
Your donation can help us change lives and strengthen our community.

Client Testimonials
This program has given me guidance, strength, and hope. I’ve learned skills that are helping me to become the mother I want to be. Thank you!
Thank you. I appreciate all your help during my time living at the ESTEEM shelter. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to stay in a safe place and I think it is much better than other sober living places and that is the best you can get in communal living.
I am grateful that my 2-year-old son and I have PCAP. My case manager has helped in so many ways, from emotional support to connecting me to numerous resources. PCAP also helped me with my recovery through the classes they offered. I am especially grateful for my Case Manager.