Maureen Hammer
Grants and Communications Manager
Maureen joined Sound Pathways with the aim of assisting individuals and bolstering our community’s efforts to achieve lasting recovery success.
“I believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to make a fresh start, and we should offer support whenever someone reaches out for help.”
Drawing from her own experience in recovery, Maureen recognizes the significance of forming a fellowship with others. This bond strengthens the foundation and empowers individuals to confront challenges, learn to live in freedom from substance use, and ultimately revealing miracles.
Within the agency, Maureen serves as a project manager and plays a vital role in the administrative team, contributing to areas such as communications, marketing, social media, brand strategy, and grants management. She holds a Bachelor’s in Business Management, from Northwest University in Kirkland.
Maureen deeply resonates with Sound Pathways’ core value of community. Her journey towards a new life involved finding a supportive group of like-minded individuals whom she could trust. Once she discovered her tribe, she encountered love, respect, compassion, support, strength, and her unique voice.